Thursday 21 January 2010

Japanese Genders & LA Living

Thoughts on the Day...
Ok, so I failed to post anything yesterday but that's because I had nothing to report. The whole of yesterday was dedicated to getting that essay done. 

My 'Issues in Post-War Japanese Society' lecture today was particularly interesting. We had a long discussion on gender roles in Japan, which led to comparisons to the rest of the world. It brought up some really thought provoking issues about women in the workplace generally, and got me thinking about the choices that I will one day have to make in regards to being a mother/pursuing a career.

Sun & Sand: I have been craving a beach and some sunshine recently. Usually the prospect of birthday presents in February is enough to get me through the post-Christmas winter season, but not this year. I was reading Vogue today and saw an article on LA living. Sure does seem appealing right now...


  1. I read your blog! Hope it's okay if I link to it from mine?!

    - Karen

  2. Yes, of course that's fine! Just checked out yours, very funny. xxx
