Sunday 17 January 2010

Tennessee Williams & James Earl Jones

Thoughts on the Day...
I went to see a performance of Tennessee Williams' Cat on a Hot Tin Roof tonight to celebrate my dad's birthday. The play was slightly rewritten to be performed by an all black cast, and was absolutely brilliant, dealing with the inner workings of family relationships. When I told my boyfriend about going to see it he said, "The one with James Earl Jones?" and I have to admit I didn't know who he has talking about. He went on to explain that, along with several other parts, he was the voice of Darth Vader and Mufasa from The Lion King. Anyway it turns out that it is his birthday today and so at the end of the performance we were all invited to sing Happy Birthday to an acting legend. Happy Birthday James and Happy Birthday Dad.

A Surprise! A wonderful surprise was awaiting me when I got home this evening... The brand new eels album, a full five days earlier than the release date. Just goes to show that pre-ordering is always a good idea. So I'm off to listen to that as I fall asleep. Good Night.

1 comment:

  1. I was at Cat on a Hot Tin Roof with kesie last night - I'm her mother by the way. Having seen the original film with Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Newman, this was a very different and engaging interpretation. Family dynamics/relationships are powerful shapers in all our lives, so this is a play that should have something to offer everyone, but be warned, in true Tenessee Williams style it might get you thinking about the darker side of life!
    This is the first time I've blogged and I'm not sure if there is a blogging etiquette.
    I'd be interested to know how the film affected you Kesie or perhaps that too personal for a blog.
