Friday 15 January 2010

Today is a new day...

Yes today is a new day, partly in the sense that every day is a new one, but mainly because today I take my first step into the realm of blogging. I hope to keep things light and interesting on here, to keep you all informed of any interesting sights, thoughts, or experiences that I may have. My aim is to break each post into two sections; Thoughts on the Day and Musings. The former dealing with any interesting details from the day, the latter concerned with any topics I've been thinking about of late. And so here it goes:

Thoughts on the Day...
I have to admit that today was one of my less glamorous, a 10.30am wake up, a while browsing the internet with Judge Judy on in the background, 10 minutes concerning internet banking etc. I promise this will get more interesting. I have been blessed with having Fridays off from university and, as such, have a three day weekend. This would be great if all my friends weren't either working or in lectures. I think I'd rather have something to do....

Glee: This has basically been my saviour of late. I have not had the best Christmas or New Years and so having something that never fails to give me a full forty minutes of smiling so hard that my face aches has been exactly what I need. I have always been a fan of musical theatre, I went through a phase at around 14 when I became obsessed with Chicago and would strut around the house singing and dancing, and so Glee is a welcome addition to the programming schedule. If you're in the UK check it out: E4 - Mondays at 9pm, repeated Thursdays at 9pm (no, I am not on the E4 payroll, I just like it that much).

Fashion: No matter what trends are being thrown at us or how hard I try, for me Black with always be the new Black. My friend recently asked me, "If you had to wear one colour for the rest of your life what would it be?" "Black," I replied without hesitation. Yes colour is all very well but black is flattering, classic, and goes with everything . My great grandmother left me a beautiful necklace that is my standard go-to piece when accessorising with black, the bracelet I bought at a market in the South of France.

Fresh Feeling? So why the name you ask? Well it's one of my favourite songs by one of my favourite bands (check them out here) but it also rang true with what I was trying to do with this space. To try and give you a fresh prospective on the world around us, but to also challenge myself to keep my mind as fresh and as open as possible. And hopefully we will all get that fresh feeling... (see what I did there?)  

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