Monday 18 January 2010

Must Do Better

Thoughts on the Day...
Well today could have been better as far as academics are concerned. Despite having recently changed courses, and feeling much happier about my subject, I'm still only getting average results. Yes, average is better than failing, but I do really enjoy my subject and yet I still feel like I'm not moving up to the next level. Team that feeling along with receiving back homeworks covered in red ink and you'll understand why I'm feeling so disheartened. I think tomorrow I will pick up some Japanese language films and try to immerse myself in the language. I could also try to speak to the Japanese exchange students in my lectures rather than just shyly nodding and mumbling 'konnichiwa'. Hmmmm....

Fashion: Aside from that essay that is still looming somewhere in the back of my mind, I have been thinking about what to wear more than usual of late. I think it's because of that whole 'New Year' feel and wanting everything to be fresh and new, not just in what I'm doing but also in my appearance. So I decided to go through my wardrobe to find some sort of inspiration heading into 2010. I was actually pleasantly suprised, some of my best finds are shown below.
I bought this at a secondhand shop in the 11th arrondissement in Paris. It's actually navy and white but looks black in the picture. It's handmade with boning in the skirt so that it stands out when worn. I actually haven't worn it out yet, I just feel too dressed up, maybe this Summer...

This is from a stall in a French market that sells off old theatre costumes, and I suspect is also handmade. The pearls are a mix of real and fake, either from flee-markets or inherited.  

My mother's old jumpsuit from the 80s complete with shoulder pads, I wish I could find a photo of her wearing it. She was much smaller than me but thankfully it just fits.

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